The Crown is a drama television series, created and written by Peter Morgan and produced by Left Bank Pictures and Sony Pictures Television for Netflix Original. The show is a biographical story about the early reign of Queen Elizabeth II of the United Kingdom. Reception to the series was overwhelmingly positive, with critics praising cast performances, direction, writing, cinematography, production values, and relatively accurate historical accounts of Queen Elizabeth's reign. The Crown has received many awards and nominations, including all seven drama categories at the 73rd Primetime Emmy Awards in 2021 and two at the 2017 Golden Globes, including Best Television Series Drama. The music to the series is written by Rupert Gregson-Williams, who also did the music (except for the main theme) of season 1. Gregson-Williams is a Hollywood composer whose work you might be familiar with from the likes of Hotel Rwanda, The Legend Of Tarzan, Aquaman, The Holiday, Hacksaw Ridge and Over the Hedge. The Crown: Season 2 is available on black vinyl.
RELEASE DATE: 3/11/2022
- - -
- 1 Bounden Duty
- 2 Dismissed
- 3 The Downfall
- 4 Homesick
- 5 Your Majesty
- 6 Headlines
- 7 Radio Speech
- 8 Future King
- - -
- 1 Christmas Message
- 2 New Guinea Match
- 3 We Shall Go to War
- 4 Be My Portrait
- 5 Philip's Dream
- 6 Princess Margaret
- 7 Critical Article
- 8 I Have No Choice
- 9 A New Chapter
- 10 Bring Him Home
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